Thursday, January 26, 2012

Than vs then pet peeve

A grammar pet peeve of mine is when individuals misuse the terms 'than' and 'then'. A professor of mine recently wrote "If ..... than...." meaning if x is y than p is q. But he should of wrote it "if..... THEN...." I see statuses on facebook that say: Going to the mall than getting my nails done. If you pronounce 'than' correctly, how does it even sound like 'then'?? It's annoying how so many people mix the two up..

1 comment:

  1. But he should of wrote it "if..... THEN...."

    Should of? I sincerely hope that was a slip!
    Should have (after correction) wrote? Have written perhaps?

    Just stumbled over your blog looking for the cartoon and browsed it a bit, could not help noticing the above and cheerfully helping out. :)
