Saturday, February 25, 2012

Grammar Cartoon

I find this cartoon funny because 'bestest' and 'irregardless' are not grammatically correct, and the English teacher doesn't want a sign to be posted that is not correct.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Now write vs right??

A friend recently showed me a text she had written to an ex-boyfriend. In the text she wrote, "You always run write back to her." I could see someone writing rite instead of right, whether to text faster or just a mistake slipping, but write?? I wouldn't have even thought to write 'write' for 'right'. Hmm...

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Just another touch of 'there'

Just going off of my last there, to, and your blog.. it's amazing how a professor at a university doesn't use basic grammar. The same professor that I mentioned writing "If p than q", wrote "Most living things have..... that make up there cellular chemistry." There? Really? I know mistakes occur, but the basics of grammar should be carried out in writing..